One of our Bupa facilities was recently misrepresented in the media causing an extreme amount of stress and pressure for the facility's staff, residents and relatives. Throughout this challenging time they stuck together and got through it all. It has made all of us at Bupa realise that we need to work together as a larger group to provide information and education to those who have little or no experience in aged care around why we do what we do for our residents. The Aged Care Accreditation Agency conducted a full 3 day audit at our Bupa Maroubra facility. Whilst we were always quietly confident in our team at Maroubra we now have the official report confirming they received 44 out of 44 outcomes.
An example is: how might it appear to someone new to aged care if they saw a resident sitting playing with wooden toys? It may actually appear demeaning. When in actual fact, we may have found out through interaction with the resident that he/she used to be a toy maker and is at their happiest when playing with toys. We may actually have spent a weekend or two of our own time making toys with the resident as part of our personal best journey. When my daughter stated that she thought it was funny that grown ups would enjoy playing with a model train set, I replied "Well alot of grown ups have been very busy in their lives, they now have time to play with them, toys aren't just for little kids, they are for big kids too." "Oh yeah, good point" was her simple 8 year old reply.
Love & Hearts Hat for Good and Sweet Bees!
6 years ago
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