We have been inspired.
It's time to utilise what we have and turn it into something practical. We may not have a huge area like Banora Point however I think there is alot of potential. I packed up the kids on pupil-free day and we headed off to work for a gardening day. We have 2 large raised garden beds in our Special Care Unit that have needed alot of help, so we pulled out about 20 Agapanthus and a very unwell Crape Myrtle. My kids of course became bored of this within the first 10 minutes, and it was then that I realised I has taken on a little more that I had anticipated. However, whilst my 2 children entertained the residents observing, I continued to pull out theses plants and replant them in the garden bed at the front of the facility. I was starting to cause quite a stir, as the staff and residents alike became intrigued as the Manager was elbow deep in dirt, playing in the garden. The flow of suggestions then started as to what we should plant, what was in season, favourite herbs, favourite flowering plants and bulbs for Autumn, I was loving it Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall would be so proud. So we have herb seeds, and bulbs to plant, and everyone is excited........just need to remind the residents to water them now. My next project is a trying to get the kitchen to use a compost bin....what do you think my chances are? I'll let you know how I go.
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