Saturday, May 29, 2010

General Managers Forum - Geelong

I have arrived back from our Bupa Care Services Quarterly General Managers Forum in Geelong. This was a 2 day Focus Forum, where GM's from our 46 homes and Bupa Care Services come together to re "Focus" on where we are heading as an organisation, and how we can improve what we are already doing.
Focus this quarter was on Memorable Dining Experiences, Customer values, Person Centred Care, Personal Best, and Dementia Gardens - Destinations. It was a wonderful couple of days where we were also able to network with our colleagues and "steal some ideas with pride". We also were given the opportunity to have a tour through Bupa Bellarine, which is a lovely 62 bed facility with some fabulous living areas, for example: 50's style kitchen, with old fashioned sewing machine,ironing board, mix master; fantastic vege patch the residents maintain and a quilting room for those passionate about sewing. I am looking forward to getting back to the facility to facilitate some really positive changes. As you know the Memorable dining experience is a key one for me......

Monday, May 17, 2010

Kaizen Team Challenge

The benefits for working within such a large health care organisation is that we are able to share our great depth of knowledge, and have the support from our Operational Leadership Team. One example is Kaizen, a Japanese word for continuous improvement. Late last year 6 people were selected to be a part of the Kaizen challenge and after rigorous mental and physical training were flown to the UK and Spain to be involved in a 2 week intensive personal and team learning experience. The team then came back and delivered their findings at our February General Manager's Forum. They had spent 2 weeks reviewing Bupa aged care facilities in both Spain and England, reviewing 3 objectives - Food, Purchasing and Repairs and Maintenance. We have seen quite a few new changes since this Forum. One area that seen some improvement is in food services. It is the simple things, like Seasonal Produce updates from Lahood our Fruit and Veg suppliers, being a foody I love the concept of only purchasing food that is in season, as it really does taste so much better. It has also then raised enough discussion around our dining experiences that we are looking closely at:
Times we have meals - is 5pm really when our people want to have dinner.
Do our people want to have a larger meal at dinner time instead of lunch time.It had been proven that behaviour issues decreased with a larger meal later in the evening, and residents slept better.
All wil be revealed, we are putting it to the people, and all facilites have been asked to conduct a Food Services Focus group to ask the residents what they would like, food is such an important part of what we do, how can we make it a better experience. Speaking of food, I'm thrilled to say I'm off to "Coffee Shop", it comes around quickly......

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Mother's Day cards

I put my kids to work to make thirty eight Mother's Day cards for the all resident Mothers. We used the gorgeous stamps and watercolours we purchased at the Craft Expo in March. I think they came out pretty well, I hope they appreciate them.......

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Australia - We're in the top 10 of worst polluters

Australia has ranked 9th on a list of nations for its absolute impact on the natural world. On a per capita basis, Singapore was classified as the world's worst offender, followed by South Korea, Qatar, Kuwait and Japan.
Professor Bradshaw said the better-ranked countries were small places such as Cape Verde, Swaziland, Niger and Grenada.
''They haven't wiped out all their forests but they live well below what we'd consider poverty,'' he said. ''We have things to learn from these countries in terms of consumption and in reducing our consumption.''
We should be ashamed......

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Coffee Shop....

We had "Coffee Shop" this afternoon, where we set up the dining area like a coffee shop, the espresso machine comes out, the chef makes devine cappuccinos, and we eat all our coffee shop favourites, cup cakes,Portuguese custard tarts, danish, cheese cakes and tiramisu, coffee orders are taken and numbers are placed on the tables. It definitely sets a scene, there is a real buzz in the room, the smell of coffee draws quite the crowd. And, yes on these days Hayley and I have been known to skip lunch to make room for cupcakes,and Portuguese custard that really so wrong?? A great alternative to braving the chilly day to head out for coffee.