Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Resident Christmas Party

All hands were on deck this morning to set up for the Residents Christmas party, we thankfully have been blessed with a gorgeous day enabling us to set up tables on the verandah, all the decorations were in place, tables set, residents in their Christmas best and gravitating the dining room, just in time for the first entertainers. The local church group came to sing Christmas Carols, then Rik Dawson from AgeWell our Physio team came to play carols on the piano, closely followed by the Rotary Club Christmas Carolers. The kitchen staff exceeded all expectations by putting on an amazing food buffet. A slightly disheveled Santa even made a visit with gifts. All Residents, friends and relatives, along with staff had a lovely time.

Lack of information.........

I never anticipated it would happen to me so soon, however it is. I am starting to get phone calls from friends, and friends of friends asking advice on how to go about placing their aging parent into Aged Care Facilities. Our aging population is getting older. Being in the industry I thought there was a heap of information around for those looking for such placement. However I guess like alot of thing, unless you have been through it before you really have no idea where to start. Like buying your first home and bringing your new baby home for the first time, my generation are finding themselves in uncharted waters with their aging parents. ACCR assessments, low care vs high care, bonds and basic daily care fees and extra service fees are apparently not common topics of communication with most people. Hmmm.... So other than individually counselling my friends, what can I do about this issue? How do I share the knowledge I have acquired over the years of working in the industry? I have spoken to the Principal at my kids school and am putting together an information night for those within our school community that require friendly information on how to deal with placing their parent in aged care facilities, and requiring the support to do so.